- He is the Managing Director of Eleser Ltd, a building Construction firm. He is Involved in tree planting activities and other conservation activities. - He is a founder member of Nyeri Hospice and a long serving chairman of the Board of Directors since inception year 1999. Read More >>
She holds a Bachelor of commerce (Insurance option) from University of Nairobi and holds MBA in entrepreneurship from KEMU University. She is pursuing her PhD from Kenyatta University. Mary is currently working with Laikipia County as the chairperson of public service board.
She is the senior Human Resource and Administration Officer at NYEWASCO. She holds MBA degree from Kenyatta University.
He is the Unit Manager at Britam – Nyeri Branch He joined Nyeri Hospice as a volunteer and later on joined the Board of directors.
He is the chairman Newforties sacco - Nyeri Branch. Joined Nyeri hospice in 2016.
He joined Nyeri hospice as a director, also a director of NYEWASCO and businessman in Nyeri town who retired from teaching profession. His motivation of being in hospice was driven by the need to assist the suffering in the society especially the terminally ill. He says, “One of the greatest gift you can give is your time” ~ Mother Teresa.
Holds LLB (Hons) Moi University, Diploma in Law-Kenya School of Law He is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya Managing partner of Kimunya & Company Advocates Has been doing pro-bono work at the Nyeri Hospice since the year 2010 and became a member of the board in the year 2016 He is a Campaigner for Consistent Bible reading among Christians
Winfred holds Masters in Business Administration from Kenyatta University. She is involved in local community services. She joined Nyeri Hospice as a friend and later elected as a member of the Board. She is the propriator and director of Legacy Gardens.
Joyce holds a degree in nursing from Dundee University - Scotland and a diploma of the same from Kenya Medical Taining centre. She worked with DMOH for 15 years as Disease Surveillance Coordinator, Reproductive health and District Public Health Nurse. Read More >>